Universal Co-cycleNature and Human body has a similar process. How an
imbalance in the element will destroy the nature similarly any imbalance created
in human body will lead to illness. Nature first warns us through symptoms and
later it turns as a disease
Let’s see co-cycle in detail. In co-cycle diseases
are formed when there is a problem in the formation of the elements. Take earth
as an example. For the formation of earth, fire has to completely cool. If the
cooling process is incomplete then earth carries the heat in it. It results in
either of the following
Burning sensation in stomach, Heamoglobin produced by
the spleen gets destroyed immediately and gets accumulated in any part of the
body or, improper cell growth or tissue growth or Thyroid etc. Each element is
formed from other element. When earth carries heat, the air which is formed from
this also carries heat and tends to be hot. It results in Lung/Large intestine
related problems, skin irritation etc.
Each element can cause “888”
diseases. Totally there are 4448 diseases in Human body. This hot air cannot
bring rain, creating an imbalance in water resulting in the disorder of
Kidney/Urinary bladder, irregular periods, bone related problems, severe hair
fall etc. when there is no sufficient rain plants cannot grow properly leading
to poor contraction and expansion of muscles, nerve disorder, Eye related
problems, disorder in Liver/Gall bladder, Arteries, Veins etc
Earlier we saw how these elements are inter-dependant
with each other and how they destroy when there is an imbalance.
The blockage in the meridian creates a pressure and
hence energies get mixed up with each other resulting in imbalance. For example,
in nature, when water gets mixed with earth or soil, the soil gets clogged and
the water is unable to seep through. Similarly, in our body when water energy
gets mixed with earth energy, nephrons get clogged and they are unable to purify
the blood and with the passage of time, if not rectified, this leads to kidney
Let’s take fire as an example and see the diseases
that are formed because of mixing.
We have seen only fire. Similarly any element can mix
with any other element. This is how diseases are formed in destructive cycle
If a person in unable to receive any of the energy then the corresponding organs get affected. For example if a person is not receiving wood energy, then he might suffer from any of the following:
In due course the fire may not burn properly as there is no wood and hence the organs related to fire also gets affected and this cycle continues.